(Enhance) Customer create aggregator client by your self rpc node.
// used to do simulate swap and swap// https://fullnode.mainnet.sui.io:443constfullNodeURL=process.env.SUI_RPC!constsuiClient=newSuiClient({ url: fullNodeURL,})// provider by cetusconstaggregatorURL="https://api-sui.cetus.zone/router_v2/find_routes"// set your wallet address, used to do simulateconstwallet="0x..."// import { Env } from "@cetusprotocol/aggregator-sdk"// Currently, we provide full support for Mainnet, // while Testnet is only supported for Cetus and DeepBook providers.constclient=newAggregatorClient(aggregatorURL, wallet, suiClient,Env.Mainnet)