Collect rewards

When you provide liquidity within a valid price range, when transactions occurring within this range, the rewards will be distributed every second based on the proportional share of effective liquidity from all positions within the current range. If you intend to harvest rewards separately, please follow the method below.

Function input params

  • poolID: The object id about which pool you want to operation.

  • posID: The object id about position.

  • rewarderCoinTypes: If these not empty, it will collect rewarders in this position, if you already open the position. You can even determine which types of rewards you want to harvest by specifying the coin types you pass.

  • coinTypeA: the coin type address about coinA.

  • coinTypeB: the coin type address about coinB.

  • collectFee: you can select weather collect fees while adding liquidity.


const sendKeypair = buildTestAccount()
// Fetch pool data
const pool = await sdk.Pool.getPool(poolAddress)
// Fetch all rewarder for position
const rewards: any[] = await sdk.Rewarder.posRewardersAmount(pool.poolAddress, poolObjectId)
const rewardCoinTypes = rewards.filter((item) => Number(item.amount_owed) > 0).map((item)=> item.coin_address)

// build collect rewarder Payload
const collectRewarderParams: CollectRewarderParams = {
      pool_id: pool.poolAddress,
      pos_id: poolObjectId,
      rewarder_coin_types: [ ...rewardCoinTypes],
      coinTypeA: pool.coinTypeA,
      coinTypeB: pool.coinTypeB,
      collect_fee: false

const collectRewarderPayload =  sdk.Rewarder.collectRewarderTransactionPayload(collectRewarderParams)

const transferTxn = await sdk.fullClient.sendTransaction(sendKeypair,collectRewarderPayload)
console.log('collect_fee: ', transferTxn)

Last updated