1. Liquidity to CoinAmount
this is an example shows how to calculate coin amounts about one position.
const pool = await sdk.Pool.getPool(poolAddress)
const position = await sdk.Position.getSimplePosition(positionAddress)
const lowerSqrtPrice = TickMath.tickIndexToSqrtPriceX64(position.tick_lower_index)
const upperSqrtPrice = TickMath.tickIndexToSqrtPriceX64(position.tick_upper_index)
const liquidity = new BN(position.liquidity)
const curSqrtPrice = new BN(pool.current_sqrt_price)
const lowerSqrtPrice = TickMath.tickIndexToSqrtPriceX64(position.tick_lower_index)
const upperSqrtPrice = TickMath.tickIndexToSqrtPriceX64(position.tick_upper_index)
const amounts = ClmmPoolUtil.getCoinAmountFromLiquidity(
const {coinA, coinB} = amounts
when you want to open position, you dont know how to set your tick_lower and tick_upper.
// decimalsA and decimalsB means the decimal of coinA and coinB
const tick_lower = TickMath.priceToTickIndex(price, decimalsA, decimalsB)
3. Calculate price from sqrt price
const pool = await sdk.Pool.getPool(poolAddress)
const price = TickMath.sqrtPriceX64ToPrice(new BN(pool.current_sqrt_price))